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vegetable. machine. animal with Field Enhancement and Bone Chapel

$15 Presales

In conjunction with his exhibition 'No Evidence of the Future', opening 8th August, Kieran Monaghan will be playing a show under his newest project vegetable.machine.animal, with support from Field Enhancement and Bone Chapel.


New solo project courtesy of Mr Sterile, in which living fungal and plantlife inform a modular synthesiser with biofeedback. This signal acts upon the synth changing the pitch, tone, rate and more in the delivery of sound. These ‘curated’ sounds are then responded to with percussion. VMA explores the intersections between spontaneous playing, electronic music, and science-informed inter-species collaboration.


Field Enhancement draws inspiration from many different styles of music such as IDM, noise, drone, minuteless, psycore, techno and ambient. Much of the sound involves heavily manipulated and distorted textures, arrhythmic drums and scifi like synths, not keeping to any strict style or bpm. 


Bone Chapel are an ambient/drone/noise duo based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara creating textural and loosely narrative compositions through samples and synthesis.

$15 presales via UTR

Special thanks to Creative New Zealand for supporting Pyramid Club's programme


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Upcoming Events
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