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Peter Daly (viola) / Daniel Beban (guitar/tapes)


Viola player Peter Daly has been one of the most consistent improvisers in Wellington since the late 1970s. Drawing on his background in classical and folk music, Peter maintains meticulous and subtle control over the viola. Active in free improvisation for more than four decades, he is a versatile musician in other areas of music who collaborates with many performers including Bernard Wells, Phoenix Foundation and Orchestra of Spheres. 

Peter is joined for a duo concert by Daniel Beban on prepared guitar and Revox reel-to-reel. Daniel is a musician and sound artist who performs on a number of different instruments in groups including Orchestra of Spheres, Farewell Spit, The Stinging Nettles, Devils Gate Outfit, Micro Soft Voices, UMU and others.  He builds sound sculptures and invented instruments out of found objects and recycled materials. 

Read an illustrated interview with Peter Daly on Pyramid Club's site. https://www.pyramidclub.org.nz/peter-daly-moved-spirit

$15 presales available via UTR

Special thanks to Creative New Zealand for supporting Pyramid Club's programme



Feature Image
Peter Daly playing the viola   .
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